Vein Institute of NJ Blog

What Are Spider Veins?

Written by Dr. Michael Ombrellino, MD, FACS | Jan 10, 2018 4:23:00 PM

One of the more common vein issues are the small, dilated veins near the surface of the skin that can look like spider legs, spider webs, or stars. They often have numerous tiny, fine lines radiating out from a center point, or may be fine, separate lines. They may be red, blue, purplish or greenish in color, and measure about .3 to 1.5 millimeters in size. They can appear anywhere on the body-- usually found on the face and legs--but may appear on the calves, thighs or buttocks. And, with the help of one of our vascular doctors, they can be safely removed so as to provide that great appearance you desire.

Spider veins are quite common. According to the National Institutes of Health, over 50% of women have varicose vein issues. They also form on the skin of men and children, as a universal vein condition that can be a simple matter of broken capillaries or point to a more serious medical condition such as venous hypertension.

How Do I Get Spider Veins?
Spider veins are caused by weakening of blood vessel walls and an abnormal blood flow. Any activity or lifestyle that places pressure on the affected area – such as sitting in front of a computer for too long, carrying extra weight or standing for long periods of time – can cause or exacerbate spider vein issues.

Age, menopause ,hormonal issues, and pregnancy also can springboard spider vein appearance, and there usually is a genetic component making patients more susceptible to these little threadlike lines.

How Can I Get Rid of Spider Veins?
At the Vein Institute of New Jersey, our vein and vascular doctors will conduct a detailed examination of your spider veins. We often use ultrasound to evaluate the valves within the veins. This comprehensive examination allows us to formulate your specifically tailored treatment plan to eliminate these cosmetically-annoying little marks as efficiently and comfortably as possible.

Spider veins do not disappear on their own once they appear! Unfortunately, losing weight will not magically erase the spider veins you may have developed while carrying extra pounds or while pregnant. A qualified medical professional is always needed to assess spider veins for treatment options.

Several different treatments exist for the elimination of spider veins, so scheduling a consultation with one of our vascular doctors at one of our convenient vein treatment centers is the first step to rectifying the issue.

Schedule an appointment now.