Vein Institute of NJ - Helpful Articles

Differences Between Varicose, Spider and Reticular Veins

Varicose veins, spider veins, and reticular veins may be a cosmetic concern for some people, but for others, it can be quite painful and affect their quality of life. Vein disease is very common with over 80 million people in the United States suffering from some type of vein issue. Even though they may seem the same,[…]

10 Things You Should Know Regarding Your Post-Op Varicose Vein Surgery

At the Vein Institute of New Jersey, we understand that you care about your overall physical and mental health and we want to give you the best results possible so you can attain the healthy image you desire. So, knowing these top 10 varicose vein surgery post-op items can ensure a successful outcome.

Varicose and Spider Veins: Myths and Misinformation

As experienced vascular doctors, we have cared for people with varicose and spider veins since 1963. Beyond the medical issues and advances in care that we have seen, we have also had the opportunity to hear our patient concerns about vein treatment and some of the common myths and general misinformation that exists.

What Causes Spider Veins and Varicose Veins?

As the leading varicose vein treatment center in the state, the Vein Institute of NJ has decades of experience with various vein treatments and vein removal procedures. One of the most common questions we get asked is what causes spider veins and varicose veins, and should I be worried about them?

What to Expect After Varicose Vein Surgery

At the Vein Institute of New Jersey, we provide sound medical advice and treatments as well as a new outlook on life. We understand that you care about your overall physical and mental health and we want to give you the best results possible so you can attain the healthy image you desire.

Reticular Veins: A Common Vein Condition You Can Do Something About

We’ve all heard of varicose veins. We’ve all heard of spider veins. But, when we tell a patient here at the Vein Institute of New Jersey that the unsightly blue line on their leg or thigh is a reticular vein, we get more than a few quizzical looks.


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