Author: Dr. Clifford Sales, MD, MBA, FACS

Does Chelation Therapy Work to Get Rid of the Plaque in My Arteries?

We take pride in being a medical practice that focuses on sharing knowledge and showing transparency with our patients. This has been an underlying principle since the inception of our New Jersey-based group in 1963.

How to Properly Diagnose Varicose Veins

When faced with medical decisions, the right choice is not always easy. Assimilating information from physicians (especially when utilizing Dr. Google!) can be confusing and conflicting. While “getting a second opinion” is often a good idea, getting that first opinion may be more difficult, especially when it comes to[…]

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) a.k.a “Hardening of the Arteries” – What You Should Know

With September being Peripheral Artery Disease Awareness Month, we wanted to focus on this disease as over 8 million Americans suffer from it, and it can be associated with a host of other issues such as heart disease and stroke.

Should You Consider A Second Opionon for Your Vascular Health?

As a medical practice that values transparency and education, we believe an educated patient is our best patient. As such, our goal is to provide a customized health plan that meets your needs and delivers the right care for the right reasons in the right manner!

Stroke Prevention and Its Link to Carotid Artery Disease

To help mark National Stroke Awareness Month this May, The Vein Instiute of NJ wants to make you aware of this disease, its link to carotid artery disease, and the steps for early detection.

Today’s Vascular Surgeon: At the Core of Patient-Centered Care

When you hear the term vascular surgeon, you may think you only need to see one when you need surgery. However, today’s vascular surgeon does so much more than surgery. Vascular surgeons are specially trained to collaborate with other medical professionals to develop patient-centered care plans.


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