Author: Dr. Andrew Cha, DO, FACS

Is There a Special Diet for Vascular Disease Prevention?

Maintaining vascular health is crucial for overall well-being. At the Cardiovascular Care Group, we try to emphasize the importance of diet in preventing vascular diseases, which include conditions like atherosclerosis, carotid artery disease, and peripheral artery disease.

Follow-Up Procedures for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Treatment: What You Need to Know

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a serious condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein, typically in the legs. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent complications such as pulmonary embolism. However, the journey to recovery from DVT doesn't end with initial treatment. Follow-up procedures[…]

Pulmonary Embolism and Its Relation to Vascular Health

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a serious medical condition that occurs when a blood clot, usually formed in the deep veins of the legs or pelvis, travels to the lungs and blocks the pulmonary arteries.

Microphlebectomy: Improving Circulation and Self-Image

For those struggling with the discomfort and unsightly appearance of large, bulging varicose veins, relief is within reach. The Vein Institute of New Jersey offers an accessible and nearly painless solution known as microphlebectomy.

May-Thurner Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

May-Thurner Syndrome is a condition that impacts blood flow and occurs when the right iliac artery compresses the left iliac artery. According to medical research, it affects 14-32% of the general population. Despite the high prevalence, it can remain clinically silent in most patients and is quite challenging to[…]

How Poor Circulation Can Affect Your Overall Health

Poor circulation is much more than feeling cold most of the time. Or, an issue that may lead to numbness or tingling in your extremities. In many cases, it can have a substantial impact on your overall health and well-being. In fact, in some cases, poor circulation may even have an impact on your mental health.


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