Author: Dr. Michael Ombrellino, MD, FACS

What is a Carotid Endarterectomy?

A carotid endarterectomy (CEA) is a surgical procedure to remove potentially dangerous plaque from within the carotid artery. It is a procedure performed by a board-certified vascular surgeon, like the ones we have at The Cardiovascular Care Group.

Carotid Artery Stenosis: What You Should Know

Carotid Artery Stenosis is a term that refers to the narrowing of the carotid arteries –two large blood vessels that deliver oxygenated blood to the large, front part of the brain. When the carotid arteries are obstructed, you may be at an increased risk for a stroke, the 5th leading cause of death in the U.S.

9 Common FAQs for Spider Veins and Sclerotherapy

When it comes to treating veins, one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed by our vein doctors is sclerotherapy – the use of a liquid chemical called a sclerosant that is painlessly injected into the affected vein.

Our Princeton Vein Treatment Office is Moving!

Effective June 29th, our Princeton Vein Institute of New Jersey office will be moving from its current location.

Spring Is Around The Corner – Are You Thinking About Your Veins?

Winter may still be on your mind, so you may not be thinking about your veins since the colder weather lets you hide unsightly and visible veins under your clothing. However, now is the perfect time to think about getting those legs sexy and vein-free in time for when the warm weather rolls around.

Where Do Spider Veins Come From?

Where do spider veins come from? The simple answer is from genes! There is a known genetic predisposition to developing varicose veins or spider veins. Simply put, if your mother (or father) had spider veins, you stand a good chance of getting them as well!


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