An arterial blood clot can be quite serious, as it can block blood flow to major organs such as the heart or brain. While blood clots usually go away on their own, there are times when they will not dissolve naturally. Depending on the location of the clot, the condition can cause problems and you may need treatment.
If you're traveling soon and concerned about how your veins will hold up, we understand! This can be a common worry for people with vein issues.
Most patients diagnosed with a vascular condition are ready to resume their daily routine. But, diving back into your exercise routine may put you at risk of complications.
If this is the first you are hearing of Baker’s Cyst, you’re not alone. And the reason we are discussing it here, in our vascular practice, is because if this type of cyst ruptures the result is a painful, swollen leg, which at first glance may be indistinguishable from an acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
Following up from our previous post, Why Are My Legs Swelling, we wanted to further explore this topic and discuss some of the treatment options that may be available to help alleviate your swollen legs, a.k.a, peripheral edema.
Venous stasis dermatitis, also known as leg discoloration, is a common problem. For many people, living with leg discoloration can cause discomfort and insecurities. Leg discoloration can be a sign of an issue with the veins in your feet or lower legs. Let’s discuss what causes leg discoloration, and some preventive[…]