Vein Institute of NJ - Helpful Articles

What is Echo-Sclerotherarpy? 

For those spider veins or varicose veins that cannot be seen on the skin’s surface or larger affected veins beneath the skin’s surface, our vascular doctors at the Vein Institute of NJ may opt to do vein treatments through ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, also called echo-sclerotherapy.

Where Do Spider Veins Come From?

Where do spider veins come from? The simple answer is from genes! There is a known genetic predisposition to developing varicose veins or spider veins. Simply put, if your mother (or father) had spider veins, you stand a good chance of getting them as well!

Will My Unsightly Veins Return After Treatment?

As vascular doctors, this is a question our patients seeking vein treatments often ask. The short answer is, “No, they won’t come back.” But, they will appear to return!

Vein Institute of New Jersey Awarded Top Honors in Patient Experience 

The Vein Institute of NJ is honored to receive notification of being singled out as a provider who offers a "Top Rated Patient Experience".

Do I Need Those Veins You Are Removing?

“Wait!,” the patient said as we were about to painlessly zap and eradicate the spider veins on her thigh that had kept her from wearing shorts the past two summers. “Don’t I need that vein?” A great question, even if not the ideal time to pose it; but the answer is “No!” Depending on the type of procedure performed by[…]

Seven Common Misconceptions About Your Veins

As experienced vascular doctors, we have cared for people with varicose and spider veins for over half a century. Beyond the medical issues and advances in care that we have seen at the Vein Institute of NJ, we have also had the opportunity to hear our patient concerns about vein treatment.


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