Vein Institute of NJ - Helpful Articles

Do I Need Those Veins You Are Removing?

“Wait!,” the patient said as we were about to painlessly zap and eradicate the spider veins on her thigh that had kept her from wearing shorts the past two summers. “Don’t I need that vein?” A great question, even if not the ideal time to pose it; but the answer is “No!” Depending on the type of procedure performed by[…]

Seven Common Misconceptions About Your Veins

As experienced vascular doctors, we have cared for people with varicose and spider veins for over half a century. Beyond the medical issues and advances in care that we have seen at the Vein Institute of NJ, we have also had the opportunity to hear our patient concerns about vein treatment.

What Are Spider Veins?

One of the more common vein issues are the small, dilated veins near the surface of the skin that can look like spider legs, spider webs, or stars. They often have numerous tiny, fine lines radiating out from a center point, or may be fine, separate lines. They may be red, blue, purplish or greenish in color, and[…]

Laser Therapy for Spider Veins

Laser therapy has been used to eliminate spider veins for decades! Modern medical advances have provided different types of lasers with which to treat spider veins, allowing you to have multiple treatment options for your personalized treatment needs.

How To Protect Your Veins During Travel

The holiday travel season is upon us and one of the more stressful aspects of the holidays can be travel. In particular, airline travel can negatively affect your vein health. So, now is a good time to review some of the issues that may occur when you travel now or anytime of the year and how to protect your vascular[…]

What Are The Differences Between Spider Veins And Varicose Veins?

As the leading varicose vein treatment center in New Jersey, we have decades of experience with various vein treatments and vein removal procedures. One of the most common questions we get asked is what is the difference between spider veins and varicose veins, and should I be worried about them?


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