At the Vein Institute of New Jersey, we believe it is important to share stories about positive patient outcomes (with the approval of the patient, of course). While we are experts in handling the physical side of our patient’s vein issues, it’s the emotional results that follow which can be most important to[…]
Check out our updated version on this blog topic. Click HERE At the Vein Institute of NJ, we want your health to come first and foremost. We recognize that we live in a world where financial decisions play a major role in how we view our own health. We want you to be as informed as possible so your health and finances[…]
Varicose, Spider and now Reticular veins. How are you supposed to know what’s what? Or, more importantly, how to get rid of them?
At The Cardiovascular Care Group and Vein Institute of New Jersey we care about education and transparency. It has been a proud tradition of ours since our founding in 1963, to ensure sound medical advice and treatments as well as a new outlook on life.
We’ve all heard of varicose veins. We’ve all heard of spider veins. But, when we tell a patient here at the Vein Institute of New Jersey that the unsightly blue line on their leg or thigh is a reticular vein, we get more than a few quizzical looks.
Spider veins are one of the conditions that often brings patients to the Vein Institute of New Jersey. This vein condition gets its name from the characteristic web-like structure of dilated venules that give the skin a flushed appearance.